As the world has been turned upside down by the current Pandemic, we thought we would do something a little different than just talking about tech. There is a lot of uncertainty out there right now, everyone is hunkered down and working from home and thinking about what tomorrow holds, let alone what the next few months will be like.
To give back to the business community, that has given us so much, we decided to put together a panel of experts to talk about financial planning, information technology, tax law, recruiting, and how to keep your sanity while working from home.
Our Panelists include:
CaSh Wong President/CEO of Shing Digital Inc.
Kevin Halkyard, BA(Econ), CFP, CLU Associate Wealth Advisor with Navigator Wealth Management, Raymond James
Kim G C Mood, FCPA, FCA, TEP CEO | Director at Moody Gartner Tax Law, Canadian Tax Advisory
Sheila Musgrove Founder & CEO TAG Recruitment, Amazon best-selling author of “Hired! How To Get The Zippy Gig. Insider Secrets From A Top Recruiter.” & “Unexpected Mentors. Weird & Creative Ideas To Boost Your Career.”